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Institutional and Home Care Assistance program {Canada College Inc. Montreal (Canada)}

Program Objectives

The Institutional and Home Care Assistance program prepares students for the trade or occupation of patient service associate and home support worker in the health and social services sector. This profession aims to provide care and assistance in public, private and community health care networks to persons of all ages who are sick or who have physical, psychological, or psychosocial disabilities. The rationale of this occupation is to provide aid to patients so that they may recover or maintain their autonomy and overall health condition.

Code 5858
Diploma DVS
Sector Health Services
Length of training 300 hours
Number of credits 58
Tuition fess &18,500

Functional Prerequisites

A person who has reached the age of 18 can be admitted to a program of study leading to a Diploma of vocational studies (DVS) based on functional prerequisites. These prerequisites, in place for those aged at least 18 years at the start date declared for the vocational training program, are: successful completion of the general development test (GDT) and obtaining and passing the tests relative to the specific prerequisites in the language of instruction and mathematics, if applicable.

This table indicates the new course codes for common core basic education (CCBE) and diversified basic education (DBE) required for the specific prerequisites in language of instruction and mathematics for the targeted program of study. In the cases where the new course codes for the CCBE and the DBE are in progressive implementation, the old codes are indicated in parenthesis and are still valid. The equivalent course codes in basic education in the youth sector are also indicated in the table. When a DVS does not require any specific prerequisites in language of instruction or in mathematics, a (-) will be displayed in the appropriate field. Please note that the functional prerequisites do not apply to attestation of vocational specialty (AVS) programs.

Admission Conditions

Persons who are at least 15 years of age as at September 30 of the current school year, are registered in a concurrent admission pilot project or in the Trades and Occupations With a Promising Future training path, are vocationally mature and have obtained Secondary II credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics. They are pursuing their vocational training and general education (youth sector or adult sector) under concurrent admission with an integrated schedule in the Trades and Occupations with a Promising Future training path in order to earn the missing Secondary III credits required for their Diploma of Vocational Studies and their Secondary School Diploma. Authorization from the Ministère de l’Éducation is required to admit a Secondary III student registered in concurrent admission to this program.

Program Content

Code Statement of Competency Hours Credits
751-702 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the training process 30 2
751-714 Establish a helping relationship 60 4
751-724 Adopt relational approaches with clients with cognitive impairments, mental health problems or neurodevelopmental disorders 60 4
751-734 Determine the appropriate means to respond to the needs of clients with physical illnesses and disabilities 60 4
751-745 Provide care related to activities of daily living (ADL) 75 5
751-752 Prevent infections and contamination 30 2
751-768 Provide assistive care related to daily activities 120 8
751-772 Deal with situations involving risk 30 2
751-787 Work with clients who require assistive care at home or in alternative living environments 105 7
751-794 Deal with family, social and cultural contexts 60 4
751-802 Provide assistance to clients in palliative and end-of-life care 30 2
751-813 Consider the rules and procedures for administering medications and basic invasive care involved in assistance with activities of daily living 45 3
751-824 Provide assistive care related to the client’s clinical reality 60 4
751-832 Administer first aid 30 2
751-845 Provide assistive care to clients requiring short-term care 75 5
Total  870 58

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